Los Robles Greens - Westlake Women’s Club
Guests are welcome – For reservations please go to www.westlakewomensclub.org
Tuesday, January 11th.
Guest Speaker: Ken Craft, CEO of Tiny Homes Villages. In February of 2021, Hope of the Valley launched the Tiny Home Village in the City of Los Angeles, Chandler Blvd. Tiny Home Village in North Hollywood. Since it opened the City of Los Angeles has built and funded five more Tiny Home Villages.
Tuesday, February 8th.
Performance by VeeRona – Classically trained modern harpist, who specializes in performing
current-day cover songs and putting a fresh face on a variety of familiar selections.
Tuesday, March 8th.
Guest Speaker: Dale Hashberger of Armstrong Garden Centers, Thousand Oaks. We will learn about plants and in which areas of our homes they thrive best.
Tuesday, April 12th
Guest Speaker: Rhett Mauck, National Search Dog Foundation. Learn the ins and outs of partnering a successful search team and stories of canines in action.
Tuesday, May 10th.
Performance by Razzma Tappers: a group of seniors whose repertoire includes upbeat tap routines using their favorite music from Broadway shows, the 30's, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.
Tuesday, June 14th.
Installations of Officers to the Board of Directors.
Annual Spring Event Fund Raising Event
Friday, April 29th. Mama Mia - Fashions on Parade